As yet another year ticks around (who can believe it is 2025 already !), we all reflect on the year behind us and start to think about what we want from the coming twelve months. Our health is often in our thoughts - but it's all too easy to overthink our goals. Here are my three top tips for a healthy 2025:

Go easy on yourself - remember we are all human, and life is for living. Set yourself health goals that are achievable, and don't beat yourself up if you don't hit your targets straight away. Enjoy your food and the good life, but partake everything in moderation and aim for balance - eat a balanced diet but don't feel guilty about eating less healthy options too. Nowadays, there is lots of advice out there about setting personal objectives and creating strong habits - much of this advice is good, but can quickly lead to sense of failure when a deadline or goal is missed.
Get outside - fresh air is one of the greatest therapies out there, and best of all it is free. A regular thirty-minute walk has demonstrable benefits for our physical and mental health. There are some great places to walk around Cambourne (and Cambridgeshire in general). One of my personal favourites is the circular path around Cambourne which I cover (in part) most mornings to clear my head before starting work. Above all, leave your phone at home - it will help you to focus on the nature around you and let you appreciate the things that really matter.
Find yourself a health "ally" - the inspiration that you get from doing things in a group is amazing, whether it's a family group or merely a friend with similar goals to your own. You can keep each other honest and motivated, helping each other to achieve your goals, and picking each other up when the goings gets tough.
There's plenty of other great advice out there online, there is a risk that overthinking things just leads us all to feeling overwhelmed. I am a great believer in keeping things simple ! Let me know in the comments what your personal top tips are.
Have a great New Year, and I look forward to seeing you in 2025 to help you on your health journey. And if you've not tried massage before, then give it a go in 2025.